Friday, May 15, 2015

The Prince of Tides

I thought I bought a cantaloupe, but the inside looked like a honeydew.  The label says it is a Japanese musk melon.  I will have to keep my eye out for this one - it was deliciously sweet, almost like eating candy.

When we were out recently, we drove along beach road, where the tide was waaaay out.  Mick said this happens every May.  He said when the tsunami hit Thailand, the tide went out like that in a short two or three minutes, then quickly came back in devasting fashion (not in Pattaya, but in South Thailand.)

We noticed the same low tide phenomenon outside our condo - water so low that many rock formations were revealed that we'd never seen before.  People were out on the rocks, looking for clams or oysters perhaps.  I've got a pretty cool app on my phone called "Global Tide" that provides tidal data for anywhere in the world.  It's pretty interesting to follow the tide in our corner of the world.  

Witnessing the daily changing of the tides makes me appreciate the dynamic nature of the world on a massive scale.  In addition to all the life teeming within them, the oceans have lives of their own.

for comparison...

The water is down at least twice the height of the person standing on the ledge


"As in nature, all is ebb and tide..."

Nikola Tesla

"Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked."

Warren Buffet

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